दुष्यंत कुमार की इस प्रसिद्ध ग़ज़ल को मेरे साथ पढ़िए।
लाइनों के बीच जहाँ मैं चुप हूँ वहां रिपीट कीजिये।
कोशिश कीजिये कि जब आप रिपीट कर रहे हैं तब अपनी आवाज़ रिकॉर्ड भी करते चलें।
दुष्यंत कुमार की इस प्रसिद्ध ग़ज़ल को मेरे साथ पढ़िए।
लाइनों के बीच जहाँ मैं चुप हूँ वहां रिपीट कीजिये।
कोशिश कीजिये कि जब आप रिपीट कर रहे हैं तब अपनी आवाज़ रिकॉर्ड भी करते चलें।
Dear Reader, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my passion and dedication for my independent endeavors as a broadcast journalist, archivist and literary commentator, and to kindly request your support. As an independent cultural activist, I pour my heart and soul into my passion. It is a deeply personal expression of my thoughts, emotions, and perspectives on the world around me. Through my efforts, I strive to inspire, provoke thought, and evoke emotions in those who experience it. However, pursuing a career in the cultural arena can be challenging, especially without the backing of a large institution or organisation. Financial constraints, limited resources, and the lack of exposure pose significant obstacles that I am determined to overcome. Your support can make a world of difference in my artistic journey. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thanks a lot. Contact ramrotiaaloo@gmail.com
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बोलने के लिए ज़रूरी है कि हम बोलने की कोशिश तो करें।
Bringing poetry to life is like awakening its soul, where words transform into living expressions through sound, emotion, and thought.
Usha Priyamvada उषा प्रियंवदा is a highly regarded fiction writer in Hindi literature.
"A child gazes at the world from a forty-year distance, a tangy, Paniphal resting in his hands."
"At times, I hesitated; at others, I soared, basking in the sunlight. There were moments of uncertainty where I nervously gathered the courage to turn the next page in the dark."
In response to a Facebook post
अविभाजित कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के आह्वान पर मृणाल सेन और सलिल चौधरी काकद्वीप में चल रहे किसानों के तेभागा आंदोलन में भी सक्रिय रहे जिसने उनकी कला में गहरे मानवीय स्पर्श की बुनियाद रखी।
Sharing your professional experiences and nuanced insights with young, aspiring professionals is immensely rewarding. As you impart your expertise, you also gain a wealth of knowledge from them. Connecting with enthusiastic and inquisitive minds worldwide creates an extraordinarily special feeling. I am always prepared to give my best while remaining humble enough to learn from all sources. Join in the cause of upskilling talent.
धीरे चलोइसलिए नहीं कि बाकी सभी तेज-तेज चल रहे हैंऔर धीरे चलकर तुम सबसे अलग दिखोगेइसलिए तो और भी नहीं किभागते-भागते थक गए हो और थोड़ा सुस्ता लेना चाहते होधीरे चलोइसलिए कि धीरे चलकर ही काम की जगहों तक पहुंच पाओगेकई चीजें, कई जगहें तेज चलने पर दिखतीं ही नहींबहुत सारी मंजिलें पार कर जाने के बादलगता है कि जहां पहुंचना था, वह कहीं पीछे छूट चुका हैधीरे चलोकि अभी तो यह तेज चलने से ज्यादा मुश्किल हैजरा सा कदम रोकते ही लुढ़क जाने जैसा एहसास होता हैपैरों तले कुचल जाना, अंधेरे में खो जाना, गुमनामी में सो जानाइन सबमें उससे बुरा क्या है,
ये हाशिये पर पड़े मेहनतकश और ग़रीब फ़नकारों की दुनिया है जो दुनिया में संगीत की बहुत सी मिठास बिखेरकर अपनी ज़िन्दगी में बस मुट्ठी भर मिठास ही घोल पाते हैं।
This paid workshop focuses more on field experiences rather than theoretical and academic aspects.
The term "Tsigan" (or "Tsigane") is often used to refer to the Roma people in various Eastern European languages, including Russian. The Tsigan people are the same as the Roma.
Understanding the correct meaning of spoken words requires a good grasp of your language.
Online Workshop Free Registration Link
Such discussions often begin on Facebook, celebrating India's rich cultural diversity. The shared memories are astonishing, providing a glimpse into the evolving India. However, a significant drawback of Facebook is that if you don't save the link to such a post, it becomes nearly impossible to find it again amidst the vast feed. Additionally, if the author changes the privacy settings of the post or deactivates their account, the post and its comments vanish. To address this, I am curating this post here so you can easily revisit it without the hassle of searching. The purpose of placing this post here is not to infringe on anyone's creative rights.
Mahjoor (Peerzada Ghulam Ahmad) was a poetic legend in the valley of Kashmir, known for his revolutionary poetry of 20th Century, Unfortunately, not much documented and heard beyond the valley. Balraj Sahni was amazed with the popularity of the poet in the region and decided to document the poet's life on celluloid in mid 60s. He opted his son Parikshit to play the role of the poet in biopic, while he himself played father of Mahjoor. The music was given by Prem Dhawan with songs penned by Kaifi Azmi & Prem Dhawan (a few translations of Mahjoor's works). The bilingual film directed by Prabhat Mukherjee got delayed in making and release and could only be released in 1972. The song gives some insight, how Mahjoor was the poet & the VOICE of the folk, the common people of the valley with his images, and characters from common walks of life.
Treating Hindus and Muslims, or any groups, as enemies is counterproductive and harmful. Instead, fostering mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation is essential for the health and progress of society.
बलविंदर की उम्र कोई 55 साल है. ड्राइवर है. पिता पंजाब नेशनल बैंक में मैनेजर थे. पिता ने सिखाया कि काम हो या न हो. सुबह साढे तीन-चार बजे उठ जाया करो और पाठ-प्रार्थना कर के ही घर से निकला करो.
न सिर्फ भाषा और उसमें निहित संकेतों के सन्दर्भ में हम एक जंगल में भटक रहे हैं बल्कि रचनात्मक अभिव्यक्तियों की बारीक कोशिशों का जवाब अपनी स्थूल प्रतिक्रियाओं से दे रहे हैं। डीह्युमनाइजेशन का यह एक अन्य पक्ष है।.
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